
Knowledge Hub

Discover semantic resources from the Earth System Sciences (ESS) with our central service.

Retrieve semantic data

You can use the SPARQL endpoint to send specific queries or integrate the data in your application(s).

The SPARQL 1.1-compliant endpoint is available here:

Retrieve semantic concepts

You are encouraged to use our NFDI4Earth ontology for your semantic modeling tasks.

The ontology is described here:

Browse available data

To discover the Knowledge Hub data in a human-friendly presentation you should use our OneStop4All web portal.

The NFDI4Earth OneStop4All is available here:

Exemplary queries


Contribute to the code

You can reuse or extend the source code according to your needs. The Knowledge Hub software project is provided as open-source here:

Learn about our harvesting

You can learn more about harvesting approach and the harvested data sources in our software architecture documentation:

Harvested resources

Data source Resource type Description Homepage

Cite the Knowledge Hub as: Degbelo, A., Henzen, C., Grieb, J., Klammer, R., Weiland, C., Bernard, L., & Müller-Pfefferkorn, R. (2023). NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub - Concept (NFDI4Earth Deliverable D4.3.2). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7950860