
Knowledge Hub

Welcome to the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub, the central service that stores information on various research products from the Earth System Sciences (ESS).

Browse Data

The Knowledge Hub provides access to its content via SPARQL queries.

If you are not familiar with SPARQL and want to browse the content, please visit the OneStop4All, the One-Stop portal for FAIR ESS research data management, where the information stored in the Knowledge Hub is presented in a human-readable format.

The NFDI4Earth OneStop4All is accessable via the URL:

Retrieve Data

The Knowledge Hub stores all information in the form of linked data making use of semantic web technologies.

For advanced users, this data is made available conforming to SPARQL 1.1 standard under the following endpoint:

Try out the following example queries:

The underlying schema according to which the metadata in the Knowledge Hub is stored, is defined as a LinkML model and can be accessed here:

The code that runs the Knowledge Hub service is open source and can be accessed at:

The exemplary queries are generated from the project: KnowledgeHub - Domain Coverage.

Cite the Knowledge Hub as: Degbelo, A., Henzen, C., Grieb, J., Klammer, R., Weiland, C., Bernard, L., & Müller-Pfefferkorn, R. (2023). NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub - Concept (NFDI4Earth Deliverable D4.3.2). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7950860